Position Paper 1 // Political Pundits

Political pundits are every where, whether you support liberals or conservatives. Some stand out more than others by a very far amount. Brett Cooper is one of these many pundits who tend to always bring up something related political beliefs. She (Brett) is a far right conservative who is not afraid to let people know. She tends to receive comparisons to Ben Shapiro, and not only for her beliefs in conservative political matters. 

No there is no relation between these two incredibly similar people. But the political beliefs for the both of them would make you think that they were raised in the same household.

The Comment Section
The Comment Section is Brett Cooper's show that she hosts on The Daily Wire, which is already known for being far on the conservative side of the political spectrum, and is described on IMDB as "an irreverent viral content and news review show offering an against-the-grain, laid back perspective on todays culture." The content produced on The Comment Section is exactly how it is described. Brett Cooper brings a very young mind-set to the news world with this show, especially when it comes to topics on abortion, woke beliefs, or just anything related to politics. It is not always politics, it could be just viral videos that she reacts and reviews to, but the show definitely stays on the track of a political show. 

The young woman is clearly doing something right as The Comment Section has reached up to 1.19 million subscribers on YouTube. While the shows YouTube has the highest numbers of followers/subscribers, Brett Cooper really got her recognition through TikTok with her connection with younger audiences. 

The majority of the audience tends to be men in the ages of 18-25 and maybe higher. A lot respect her news sharing capabilities, but some sadly only attend for the fact that Brett is an attractive young woman. You can see this in the comment section (not the show) of The Comment Section (the show). 

The content that is posted for The Comment Section that makes Brett Cooper a pundit for politics is pretty much anytime she gives her opinion on matters in the political atmosphere. She is not the biggest fan of many Democratic Party affiliates. Anytime there is some major or viral event that is related to certain political figures like Joe BidenAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez, etc. she is on top of it and is racking up likes on Youtube and TikTok. 

Articles By Brett
Not only can she speak with pride about what she has her heart in, but she also writes on the matters surrounding our world and surrounding her. She is not the biggest writer as she only has four articles on The Daily Wire's website. But the articles that Brett has written are written with her strong attitude and voice. 

One of the four articles with her name under them was given the headline of "I'm A Women And I Don't Support The #MeToo Movement - Here's Why". She leads off her article with a story of her old school friend that has accused one of their former teachers of sexually assaulting her. Brett then goes on saying,"Her vicious string of social media posts had one goal: To destroy this man's life." after the initial statement. The girl then claims that their "beloved dram teacher" had sexually groomed her and had sexual conversations with her. Every claim the girl had made included other class mates and close friends of Brett and had made the "brave decision to stand up and share the truth. 

Later in the same article, Brett goes on to give the quote:

"What Started as a genuine initiative in 2006 to amplify the voices of women who had been raped and assaulted turned into a radicalized political arm of third-wave feminism when Alyssa Milano made the phrase go viral in a 2017 tweet (referring to #MeToo). It was quickly adopted by Hollywood elites who wasted no time in establishing a non-profit, raising millions of dollars and planning a myriad of virtue signaling campaigns."

The next article from Brett covers her transition from being pro-choice to being on board with the pro-life train. Brett wrote about her transitional time to more of pro-life style and the struggle of that mentality when she started attending UCLA. In Brett's words, UCLA is "one of the most left-leaning universities in the country. She talked about how the topics of legal abortion shouldn't be rare was a very common and very passionate topic to have a long drawn out conversation on. 

Brett says: 

"Everywhere I turned, I was faced with the fact that the pro-choice movement was not about limiting government and promoting individual choice. Instead, I saw that it was fueled by a false sense of empowerment and a blatant disregard for personal responsibility, and it was this realization that sparked the three-pronged process of dismantling my already vulnerable conviction."

Brett continues to talk about how she believes others should change their ideology towards the matter. She talks on her own story to back her claims as well. Brett goes into saying how her father tried to have her mother get an abortion while she was pregnant with Brett, but her mom fought back. The personal event that happened in Brett's own family and her own life had given her the final push to go fully pro-life. 

The final article by Brett (without me having to pay more) is about her transition entirely from Hollywood to The Daily Wire. Brett Cooper was in the film industry for roughly ten years and after facing lots of criticism for her beliefs decided it was time to make a move to a place that loved her ideology, The Daily Wire. 

From the article, Brett said:

"While I could withstand the occasional snide comment, I could not withstand every project I worked on being infused with woke ideals and fueled by identity politics. Because whether we're conscious of it or not, Hollywood and entertainment informs and directs our cultural trends. We spend hours upon hours watching Netflix, scrolling on TikTok, and binging YouTube videos, and with those fields being dominated by the Left, it is no surprise that my generation is overwhelmingly Liberal."

So as you can tell, Brett Cooper is very much the definition of a political pundit and will probably continue being one for a very long time due to her young age. 


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