Position Paper 2 // Interest Groups

Christians in politics. Something that was originally not meant to be, but has been formed into a completely new way of discussing politics is now in place and has been for some years. Religious beliefs and laws have been a factor in politics since the formation of political ideals were created. Despite the fact that politics and Christianity are not meant to be together, they have become one with an entire ballot for people to vote on. Because of this, interest groups for the cause of Christianity have been formed. Interest groups such as the Christian Coalition of America

According to the Christian Coalition of American (CCA), the interest group is "one of the largest Conservative grassroots political organizations in America". What the CCA wants to provide for people of faith is a "vehicle" that would be actively involved in issues that would focus on the religious and political beliefs of those a part of the interest group
"from the county courthouse to the halls of Congress." 

The Mission

The mission presented by the Christian Coalition of America follows multiple ideals like representing those with a perspective of pro-family before local councils, school boards, or state legislature and Congress. They support the idea of speaking out in the public arena and in the media. The CCA looks to train others to become "effective social and political" leaders and to "inform" voters for pro-family timely issues and legislation. Finally, this interest group takes advantage of the first amendment with their mission as they seek to protest any and all anti-Christianity activity that would look to take away any rights that go in the favor of  todays Christians.

About The CCA

It is pretty clear to see what The Coalition is about from our outer perspective, but how does the political interest group look at themselves. As said on the website:

"The Coalition is a political organization, made up of pro-family Americans who care deeply about ensuring that government serves to strengthen and preserve, rather than threaten, our families and our values. To that end, we work continuously to identify, educate and mobilize Christians for effective political action." 

The Coalition's "hallmark work" lies within being hands-on and handing out pamphlets, or they refer to as guides, to "inform" and persuade voters to vote for issues in the favor of the majority of the Christian mindset and faith. In the year 2000 alone, the religious political interest group gave out seventy million guides. 

The efforts of the organization doesn't stop at handing out guide pamphlets, but they also extend their reach to actively lobby in Congress and the White House for numerous issues that revolve around the Christian-Political ideals or to hold grassroots training seminars all around the country. The Coalition will continuously organize and form groups of thousands of pro-family supporters and activists to focus on "critical issues facing our country". The plan for the CCA is to have Christians "play an active role in government again like never before." 

"The Christian Coalition is committed to representing the pro-family agenda and educating Americans on the critical issues facing our society. Whether it is the fight to end Partial Birth Abortion or efforts to improve education or lower the family's tax burden, the Christian Coalition stands ready and able to work for you."

The Leader

The President and CEO of Christian Coalition and the Christian Coalition of America is Roberta Combs and was one of the founding members of the organization. Roberta has been the only woman on the board of members for the Christian Coalition of America. Under Roberta's leadership, the Christian Coalition of America has worked tirelessly to provide education and political training for thousands upon thousands of Christian activists around the country. The goal is to equip individuals and churches to be able to make a difference in how the government is run today. 

From the website of the CCA:

"Roberta owned a very successful business in the 1970's and 1980's. In the early 1980's, she began her political consulting business. As a political consultant, she advised and managed numerous campaigns at the local, state, and national level. She has served as a pro-family advisor to many US Congressman, US Senators and Governors as well as President George W. Bush and has also testified before Congress on behalf of pro-family issues for the Christian Coalition of America. She has appeared in many national media outlets, including television, radio and print, commenting on politics and current issues. She also has served on numerous boards and commissions and has held different offices in the Republican Party serving in both appointed and elected positions at all levels. She and her late husband, Andy, were national delegates to the Republican National Convention for 16 years consecutively being one of the few couples in the country with that honor. Roberta has also served on the National Republican Party Platform Committee."

So from that passage from the website for the Christian Coalition of America, what do you think that would do to those searching for an interest group with similar beliefs? Well it clearly draws them in to becoming an official member of the religious politically based organization. Look towards the "head honcho" of the business and how do they represent their own organization? That is the question and plan for anyone looking to become a member for whatever the case may be. 

Social Media

For a group that has been around for quite some time, the Christian Coalition of America has had to adapt to the world of social media. While they are not completely on the train for social media, the organization, to stay relevant, realizes that it needs to stay updated for even more supporters. The website will say that there is a link to instagram, but it in fact is not. The website does include links to its Facebook and Twitter accounts though. 


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