Position Paper 4 // Wild Card

There are many faces in politics now. Some can be hilarious, some a little overboard, and some are just both. That is Ben Shapiro. The 38 year old political pundit has created quite the reputation for himself in the political world since 2016. 

In case someone might need a refresher on who Ben Shapiro is; he is a Jewish Conservative Columnist who has been working for the Daily Wire for quite some time now. Ben Shapiro is a columnist for more than just the Daily Wire, but also for Creators Syndicate, Newsweek, and Ami Magazine. While he is a skilled columnist, Shapiro has become most known for his show and the way he speaks with how quick and intelligent he is. 

The Ben Shapiro Show

The Daily Wire gives the intro to the "The Ben Shapiro Show" like this: 

"'The Ben Shapiro Show' is a podcast and a syndicated radio show hosted by Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro. 'The Ben Shapiro Show' podcast launched under The Daily Wire in 2015 and quickly became one of the fastest growing podcasts in the world. By 2017, the show was the second-most listened to podcast on iTunes, surpassed at one time only by Oprah Winfrey's podcast. In 2018, Politico described Shapiro's show as 'massively popular'. The reach of show expanded further in April 2018, when Westwood One began syndicating the podcast to radio. In January 2019, Westwood One expanded Shapiro's one-hour podcast to three hours by adding a nationally syndicated two-hour radio show."

On "The Ben Shapiro Show" Mr. Shapiro is basically allowed to talk about what ever he would like to. He will obviously get that privilege when his name is in the title and when he is the Editor-in-Chief for the Daily Wire. 

The Columnist

As Editor-in-Chief, you are easily going to have your stories all over the media outlet that you help run. Sadly, you need a subscription to the Daily Wire to be able to read any of Ben Shapiro's writing, but luckily plenty of people write about him on the Daily Wire that it makes up for that inconvenience. 

The name writing about Ben Shapiro the most is Greg Wilson. Mr. Wilson has plenty of stories and writings that are in such a number that it needs a second webpage to cover them all. 

Quickly after the recent shooting in Colorado that killed 5 and wounded 25 people, Ben Shapiro hopped on the train to write the column about the tragic incident. 

Ben says in the beginning of his article:

"This week, another evil mass shooter unleashed horror at a gay club in Colorado Springs, killing 5 and wounding another 25. The shooter - whose name I refuse to mention in order to disincentivize future shooters, who seek notoriety - was clearly mentally ill..."

I am sure we can all put together where Ben Shapiro is taking the rest of his story from his title alone. The far right talker makes sure to let people know what side his ideals lie on. Nearly all of, if not all of, his stories come back to how bad did the left side of the political spectrum do this time, even though they are not always as bad that it may seem. This is what the Daily Wire is though, it is the Babylon Bee without the satire and sarcasm

In recent stories involving Ben Shapiro, he has been talked about with his statement of a "Red Wave" coming during this years elections, but he especially was found to be wrong in this situation. 

Barely a "red trickle". "Heads should roll". Ben Shapiro has let his feelings be known to the world on what happened during the midterm election. Most Republicans would say the same exact thing. The expectations for Republicans was to control the House and Senate by a landslide, but they were sadly disappointed with the outcome of this midterm election year. Ben Shapiro even says in his article titled "The Red Fizzle":

"There was no red wave. There was no red tide. There was no red trickle. There was a red fizzle."

He is in fact right though. The "red wave" that was talked about for a good bit of time was in fact only a fizzle. Neither side had some crazy leaning election, but again it was not at all what the Republican Party was wanting to see. 

This has been the topic surrounding Ben Shapiro's name for a good bit now, basically since he said it. 

The Cold-Hearted Columnist

Ben Shapiro simply just does not care about what anybody else's opinions of him or of anything are stood next to. He says in a tweet:

The man stands only next to what he believes or what are facts. Many times, over and over again has he told people outright what he believes, but he always has something to back it up. This is what has made him a person that so many have a hard time arguing back to him. He is quick, witty, and has nearly every detail of an argument planned out before it starts. It honestly is how any good debater should be. 

You could find similar videos like this one all over the internet, while most of them will be by the Daily Wire or Ben Shapiro himself, so there is a little bias. Even non-biased Youtube pages will have some debates for Ben Shapiro, but not always in his favor like the one previous. 


In conclusion, Ben Shapiro is one of largest political pundits out in the world today, yes not only the United States. Sometimes you can't even comprehend what he is saying since he is talking so fast like at the end of a commercial when they are listing off all hazards as fast as possible to get you to buy that product. There is an astronomical amount of attention on Ben Shapiro and his show, whether it may be good or bad. 


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